Svante E. Cornell
Azerbaijan Since Independence (Armonk: M.E. Sharpe, 2011).“But as the fleeing residents of Khojaly reached the outskirts of a nearby village, Nakhjivanli, they were met by -a gauntlet of lead and fire”, p. 62.

Thomas Goltz
Azerbaijan Diary: A Rogue Reporter’s Adventures in an Oil-Rich, War-Torn, Post-Soviet Republic (Armonk: M.E. Sharpe, 1998).“The reason for the excitement was pretty obvious: there were no working phones in Xodjali [Khojaly], no working anything-no electricity, no heating oil, and no running water. The only link with the outside world was the helicopter- and those were under threat with each run”, p. 119.

Human Rights Watch
Azerbaijan: Seven years of conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh (New York, 1994).“In February 1992, Karabakh Armenian forces-reportedly backed by soldiers from the 366th Motor Rifle Regiment... seized the Azeri-populated town of Khojaly... More than 200 civilians were killed in the attack, the largest massacre to date in the conflict”, p. 6.

Markar Melkonian
My Brother’s Road. An American’s Fateful Journey to Armenia (I.B.Tauris, 2005).“There, in the hillocks and within sight of safety, Mountainous Karabagh soldiers had chased them down… The Arabo fighters had then unsheathed the knives they had carried on their hips for so long, and began stabbing”, p. 213.

Samuel A. Weems
Armenia: Secrets of a “Christian” Terrorist State (St. John’s Press, 2002).“The Armenian terrorists killed several Muslims and stirred up those who remained alive. The purpose of such acts was to provoke the Muslims into attaching the minority Christians”, p. 20.

Tale Heydarov and Fiona Machlachlan
Khojaly Witness of a war crime: Armenia in the Dock (Ithaca Press, 2014).“The townspeople's crime? As Azerbaijanis, they were inadvertent obstacles to the abstract dream of a “Greater Armenia”.

Heydar Aliyev Foundation
The Khojaly Genocide (Baku, 2015).“Others, mainly women and children, died from frostbite while wandering in the mountains. Only a few were able to reach Azerbaijani controlled town of Aghdam”, p. 22.

Thomas de Waal
Black Garden: Armenia and Azerbaijan through Peace and War (NYU Press, 2003).“Before Khojali, the Azerbaijanis thought that they were joking with us, they thought that the Armenians were people who could not raise their hand against the civilian population. We were able to break that [stereotype]”, p. 172.

Rabbi Israel Barouk
KHOJALY: A Crime Against Humanity (Berkeley Press 2016).“My hope is that through telling of tragic stories like the one of the Khojaly Massacre, our world will finally learn the true meaning of “NEVER AGAIN”, p. 11.

Raoul Lowery Contreras
Murder in the Mountains: War Crimes in Khojaly and the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict (Berkeley Press, 2016).“Khojaly’s people were chased down and those not fast enough - women and children and the elderly - were massacred in what the Armenians claimed was a “safe passage zone” or a “humanitarian corridor”.

Elkhan Suleymanov
Khojaly Genocide: Million Signatures - One Demand (Association for Civil Society Development in Azerbaijan, 2007).“This crime, committed against the humanity by Armenian militants together with the 366th Motorized Regiment of Soviet Army resulted in severe massacre”.

Reza Deghati and Rachel Deghati
Azerbaijan: The Massacre of Innocents (2014).“I dedicate this book to the women of Khojaly and elsewhere in the world – the innocent silent victims of conflicts who have lost a child, father, brother or companion”.

Eldar Samadov
Terror: events, facts, evidence (Hertfordshire Press, 2015).“his escalation included acts of terror by Armenian terrorist and other armed gangs not only in areas where intensive armed confrontations took place but also away from the fighting zones”.

Charles van der Leeuw
Azerbaijan: A quest for identity: a short history (St. Martin Press, 2000).“In total, at least a thousand civilians are thought to have died in the atrocity or else have been reported missing with no hope of survival”, p. 171.

Heiko Krüger
The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict: A Legal Analysis (Springer, 2010).“One of the most tragic events was the murder of a considerable number of Azerbaijani civilians by Armenian units in Khojaly”, p. 117.